Making life science life changing
We help promising scientific ideas reach the next phase of development through investment, partnerships and expertise for health conditions that need it most.
Scientific expertise
30 years of experience in antibody humanisation, diagnostics and biomarker development, and drug development.
Funding and investment
See our open funding calls or learn more about how we invest in early-stage ventures.
Intellectual property and tech transfer
Help with licensing and collaborative development, at a lower risk to you.
Interested in partnering with us?
We can work together to connect you with the right support for your project.
Our Translational Challenges
Motor Neuron Disease
Our vision is a world where motor neuron disease is preventable and treatable.
Chronic Respiratory Infection
Our vision is improved quality of life for those living with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis.
Global Health
Our vision is a world with affordable and accessible solutions to better understand, treat, and prevent infectious diseases.
Rare Disease
Our vision is an ecosystem working together to get discoveries and treatments to rare disease patients faster.
Childhood Cancer
Our vision is to drive life-changing innovations for children with cancer.
What’s happening at LifeArc
Latest news
New AI tool aims to detect early signs of dementia during routine eye tests
LifeArc and Cleveland Clinic join forces to develop new monoclonal antibody therapeutics for patients with high unmet medical needs
Third global Longitude Prize to be launched in 2025 focusing on ALS