Supplier information

How LifeArc procures products and services

LifeArc’s business practices reflect fairness, openness, and integrity. These dictate how we govern the charity, how we treat our people, how we engage with local communities, and how we do business with others.

When we buy goods and services, we take into consideration a variety of things including cost, quality, delivery, reliability, service and commitment to environmental sustainability as well as corporate and social responsibility.

We are committed to the principles set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which relates to human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption.

Our purchasing procedure broadly includes:

  1. Requirement identified for products or services from a departmental lead
  2. Market review and request for proposal or pitch from target suppliers
  3. Evaluation of pitch, proposal and quotes, including commercial, risk, capability and contract terms
  4. Confirmation of supplier award
  5. Issuance of contract and/or purchase order
  6. Delivery and inspection of goods
  7. Payment processing
  8. Ongoing supplier performance management (for key suppliers)

All proposals must include a detailed description of the goods or services required and must be approved by the relevant department lead. We expect our suppliers to adhere to our terms and conditions and to report any issues promptly to our procurement department.

Supplier questionnaires

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