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LifeArc plans two major funding calls to boost translational research in rare disease & lung health in cystic fibrosis

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LifeArc is set to announce two major funding calls in the following weeks which will support the acceleration of new interventions in rare disease.

The first funding call is planned to establish up to four rare disease research centres and a coordinating hub to transform the way rare diseases are identified and treated.

The second call, which will be jointly funded and delivered in partnership with Cystic Fibrosis Trust, is intended to fund a Translational Innovation Hub network for lung health and infection that will accelerate research into chronic respiratory infections in people living with cystic fibrosis.

“We are inviting collaborative applications to form Centres, with the primary purpose of transforming the way rare diseases are identified and treated,” said Dr Catriona Crombie, Associate Director Technology Transfer at LifeArc. “We envisage that four to five centres and a coordinating hub will be established. Separately, in partnership with Cystic Fibrosis Trust, an Innovation Hub Network funding call will be announced.”

“This funding call is part of our wider £100m programme created to support scientific innovation for people living with cystic fibrosis. This new innovation hub network will help support the discovery and delivery of new interventions to treat chronic respiratory infections.”

Dr Catherine Kettleborough, Head of Chronic Respiratory Infection Translational Challenge at LifeArc

Bids will be invited from academic institutions in the UK – and more details of how to apply to the first fund will be released next week on Monday, 24 April, with the second fund details to be released in early May. 

Media contact

Hannah Severyn

Head of Media and PR at LifeArc

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