Renishaw Diagnostics: a test for antibiotic resistance

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We collaborated with Renishaw Diagnostics Ltd. on a rapid diagnostic test for the detection of carbapenemase genes, which are associated with antibiotic resistance. Current tests take up to 48 hours, by which time patients have already started a course of antibiotics.

We developed the Carbaplex assay for use on the RenDx platform to detect the most prevalent carbapenemase genes in patient samples. Multiple targets can be identified through Raman Spectroscopy, which yields discrete spectra, thus avoiding signal interference inherent in fluorescence associated with conventional PCR. Combining multiplex PCR and surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS), results for up to 92 samples can be available within 6 hours of DNA extraction.

The assay was validated against a Public Health England panel of 450 clinical isolates, positive for carbapenemase genes.

The collaboration provides quick and accurate patient results, eliminating the need for overnight bacterial culture. It could improve patient lives through better treatment options.  The test is now marketed by Bruker.