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UK DRI appoints LifeArc to support translation of discoveries into treatments

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LifeArc has been appointed by the UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) to provide expertise to accelerate the translation of their researchers’ discoveries into treatments that will transform the lives of those affected by dementia.

There are currently still no treatments that can slow, halt or prevent dementia. Discoveries like those made by UK DRI researchers are helping to fill the gaps in our understanding about what causes the diseases that lead to dementia, and how they progress. Together with cutting-edge technologies, researchers at UK DRI are uncovering potential routes to therapies and interventions that could have a huge positive impact for the 50 million people globally who are living with dementia.

LifeArc will deliver advice in areas such as patenting and protecting intellectual property, conducting robust due diligence, and identifying the right industry partners – harnessing the potential of UK DRI’s work. Our support aims to ensure that UK DRI can make tools and products such as cell lines, antibodies and assays available to the wider dementia research community, so they can have the greatest impact.

LifeArc has 25 years’ experience of supporting scientists on diagnostics and therapies, enhancing and protecting innovation, and advancing promising research. We were appointed following a competitive tender process and will deliver advice and support to the UK DRI on strategies for technology transfer, negotiating contractual relationships, and harnessing the technological and commercial potential of discoveries made by UK DRI researchers.

Professor Bart De Strooper, Director of the UK Dementia Research Institute, commented:

“We look forward to working with LifeArc to ensure our emerging insights, tools and technologies can benefit the wider research community – and those affected by dementia – at the earliest possible opportunity.”

Kay Penicud, UK DRI Director of Innovation and Business commented:

“The UK DRI has exceptional scientists, whose research is yielding new insights into neurodegeneration and new therapeutic strategies. We are delighted to work with LifeArc to develop the UK DRI’s inventions into technologies and therapeutics that can impact dementia patients.”

Steven Tait, Senior Business Manager, Technology Transfer at LifeArc said:

“Despite the number of significant therapeutic advances made for a number of diseases, dementia remains an area of high patient need. We are excited by the opportunity to combine our translational skills and expertise to help progress the exciting discoveries of UK DRI’s researchers, to help benefit people living with dementia and their carers.”

Read more about UK DRI’s work 

Media contacts

Surinder Maan
Communications Manager, LifeArc