MRC Technology (MRCT), an independent life science medical research charity, has launched a Call for Diagnostics. It is seeking academic and industry collaborators to develop diagnostic tests in areas of unmet patient needs.
Lack of resources, limited industry connections and restricted access to patient cohorts can often prevent promising science being developed into treatments that benefit patients. With the aim of moving these projects forward, MRCT is calling on potential partners with early stage RNA, DNA, or protein-based diagnostic assays, particularly in the areas of oncology, infectious diseases and pharmacogenomics, to get in touch.
MRCT’s Centre for Diagnostic Development operates a true collaborative model of performing assay design, development and validation in its own laboratories at its own risk. The objective is to produce a robust industry standard data package, thereby progressing research developed assays towards clinical use.
Dr Michael Dalrymple, Director, Business Development, MRC Technology said: “Our expertise is bridging the gap between early stage diagnostic research and ultimately getting new tests to the clinic. This Call for Diagnostics is an opportunity for scientists with promising results which could lead to new tests, to work with MRC Technology and accelerate their development.”
To be considered, assays should be at a pre-clinical stage and preferably address an unmet medical need. MRCT is not offering funding, but is committing its own laboratory resources to the project. It can also advise on protecting, managing and developing intellectual property (IP) and facilitate business development and partnering.
Collaborators will retain their background IP, but where new IP is generated it will be jointly owned.