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MRC Technology launches research grant terms approval service

News releases

London, UK, 13th March 2012: MRC Technology, a technology transfer company, announces the launch of its research grant terms approval service, with the MS Society receiving the first review. As an expert in commercialising intellectual property, MRC Technology is ideally placed to advise on how best to ensure that grant terms and conditions are comprehensive, meet industry standards, and have the best chance of supporting the development of novel treatments.

Through its new review service, MRC Technology performed an overview of the MS Society’s intellectual property governance and gave its stamp of approval to the Society’s research grant terms and conditions, confirming that the MS Society’s grant terms and conditions are of the highest standard. This approval is part of an ongoing programme to help the MS Society maximise the impact of its research.

“We are very pleased that the MS Society approached us for help and advice on their intellectual property. We believe that creating partnerships with universities and charities is the most effective way to make sure that the results of funded research are protected and exploited for the benefit of human health. The launch of our grant terms approval process aims to help develop these relationships, and promote the best outcome for both researchers and patients,” commented Mike Johnson, Director of Corporate Partnerships, MRC Technology.

Dr Doug Brown, Head of Biomedical Research at the MS Society, said: “The MS Society is dedicated to funding the highest quality, most relevant research aimed at improving the lives of people with MS. It is therefore essential that we have appropriate processes in place to support the protection and exploitation of novel research discoveries. We’re delighted to have received MRC Technology’s stamp of approval, and look forward to building on this relationship.”

MRC Technology plans to expand the new approval service to work with a wide range of medical research charities and organisations, ultimately resulting in more efficient translation of research into real patient benefit.