General Archive

News releases
New £30 million translational partnership will accelerate development of new treatments for people with dementia
Funding will accelerate development of new diagnostic tests, treatments, and devices for people with dementia.
Articles & blogs
Accelerating progress against dementia
How can we reduce the impact of dementia on individuals, families and wider society?
Articles & blogs
Hackathon brings scientists together to tackle brain health
Together with the patient charity Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association, LifeArc co-sponsored an MND challenge within a four-day ‘hackathon’ event,…
News releases, Ventures funding
LifeArc participates in Series A funding round for company developing pioneering new gene therapies for neurodegenerative diseases
Helping to progress an innovative gene therapy platform from the bench to a stage where it is progressing closer to…
News releases
New approach provides potential vaccine and treatment for Alzheimer’s
An antibody-based treatment and protein-based vaccine reduced Alzheimer’s symptoms in mouse models of the disease.
News releases
Collaboration leads to promising new approach for Alzheimer’s disease
A team from LifeArc and Göttingen University has developed a new approach to intervene in early-stage treatment of Alzheimer’s disease…
Collaborating to conquer Alzheimer’s disease
LifeArc is supporting MRC scientists who want to see their discoveries go from bench to bedside Age-related dementia is a…