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MRC Technology to manage intellectual property for AICR

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(London, UK, 18th November 2011) MRC Technology announced today that they have entered into an agreement with the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) to assist in the oversight and management of intellectual property (IP) arising from AICR-funded projects.

This is the first such agreement signed by MRC Technology, delivering on a new strategy to broaden its service to provide IP management and commercial development of healthcare related science for other organisations, as well as the UK’s Medical Research Council.

Health research charities want to make sure that the results of their funded research are protected and exploited for the benefit of human health. Similarly, smaller university technology transfer offices often have insufficient resources available to cover their IP and licensing activity across a whole range of disciplines.

Mark Matfield of the AICR said “Like many medium-sized health research charities, we don’t have the resources to fully manage the intellectual property that arises from the research we fund.  It makes perfect sense to work with MRC Technology, who have proven competence in healthcare sector IP and commercialisation.” MRC Technology also has the breadth and capability to engage with universities and institutes, both inside and outside of the UK.

Mike Johnson, MRC Technology’s Director of Corporate Partnerships commented, “I am delighted that we have struck this relationship with the AICR. We will help by reviewing and monitoring their relevant projects, negotiating appropriate revenue sharing agreements on behalf of AICR and taking the necessary steps to protect and exploit the IP. All of this helps to progress the research for the benefit of the patient. In the last few months, we have been approached by both universities and charities of all sizes. I think the way to effectively commercialise academic research is by forming partnerships with those that can help.”